Discover the most affordable and accurate cheapest launch monitors for your golf practice. Enhance your game with reliable data without breaking the bank.
Golf Launch Monitor Buying Guide for 2023
Hey there! If you’re looking for a golf launch monitor to help improve your game this season, then you’ve come to the right place. This article is all about the best golf launch monitors of 2023 and how to choose one that’s just right for you. I’m an avid golfer myself and I know how […]
Garmin G80 vs Swing Caddie SC300 vs Mevo vs Rapsodo
In this article, I will compare five launch monitors: Garmin Approach G80, Swing Caddie SC300, Swing Caddie SC300i, Flightscope Mevo and Rapsodo. Of these five devices, only the Garmin G80 comes with a golf GPS that will display the distances to the pins, hazards, doglegs, or any other targets on the golf course. The predecessor […]
What is a Golf Launch Monitor?
Golf launch monitors are one of the best golf training tools that a golfer can use to improve their game because they can improve your driving accuracy by an average of 16 yards and increase your driving distance by an average of 8 yards. There are many benefits to using a golf launch monitor, such […]
How Do You Use the Garmin Approach G80 Launch Monitor?
The Garmin Approach G80 is the newest handheld device from Garmin that was released in January 2019. The Garmin Approach G80 is an upgrade over the Garmin G8. One of the differences between the Garmin G80 and G8 is that the Garmin G80 has a bigger display than the G8 and the Garmin G80 is […]