The Garmin Approach G80 handheld device was released in January 2019 and it is their newest and best handheld golf GPS. The Garmin G80 has a bigger display area and better resolution than the G8. Also the Garmin G80 is more accurate than the G8 and only the G8 has a radar-based launch monitor for […]
Garmin Approach G80 vs G8 vs G30 vs G10
Garmin Approach G80 vs G8 The Garmin G80 is a better handheld golf GPS than the G8 because it has a longer display diagonal, a higher display resolution, and it comes with a launch monitor that will track club head speed and ball speed. Why the Garmin G80 is better than the Garmin G8 Both […]
Garmin Approach G8 Handheld Golf GPS Review
Garmin Approach G8 Handheld Golf GPS Review The best Garmin handheld devices are the Garmin G80, G8, G30 and G10, in that order. The Garmin G80 has more accurate yardages to hazards and pins than the Garmin G8, G30 and G10. Also the Garmin G80 has a larger touchscreen, higher resolution and a launch radar […]
Garmin G10 vs Bushnell Phantom vs Neo vs Golf Buddy Voice
Bushnell Phantom vs Neo Ghost: Differences between Bushnell Phantom and Neo Ghost Both the Bushnell Phantom and Bushnell Neo Ghost have the same display size and calculate distances to only 4 hazards per hole but neither has a scorecard or stat tracking. They will also calculate distances to the front, center and back of the […]
Garmin Approach G8 vs G5 – Review Handheld Waterproof Touchscreen Golf Course GPS
If you are a golfer that remains on the golf course even after it starts raining because you just have to play out the rest of your game, then you should definitely purchase the Garmin Approach G5 Waterproof Touchscreen Golf GPS. However, it has a much smaller screen than the Garmin G8 and G80 and […]